Yeah well,

This is how I roll.

Yours Truly,

this is me. raw at my best. in shaa Allah.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mid-year on rampage!

Can you believe it? Mid-year examination is on the loose! My exams start next week on Wednesday. According to Risi, we'll start with Malay Language I, Civic and Malay Language II. And it continues with other subjects. It's May and it's ending. It'll be June in less than 2 weeks. I feel like I'm floating in time. I can't control it. I can't keep track. Somehow, I'm afraid that I'll loose it. Whatever it is, I'm giving my 110% on this test. Unfortunately, lessons in Form 1 && Form 2 are included. I'm shaking to my bones. Wish me luck. I need to ace them, whatever it takes. I crave for 8As, if possible plus Civic and Art. Until then, good day.

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