Yeah well,

This is how I roll.

Yours Truly,

this is me. raw at my best. in shaa Allah.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2015's first post: Resolutions


Let's get real here. It's February, and I'm a tad late in figuring out my resolutions for 2015. But in my defence, I was not at the comfort of my home during my first week of January of 2015 because I was in Beijing, China. But that's just an excuse for not trying to figure out anything until my 2nd year examination result comes out.

I decided right after my result, I'll be jotting down my resolutions because it will determine what I have to focus next in my life.

Shallow, I know.

But when the stakes are high, and your confidence level is way underground hiding from sunlight, you ought to do the same thing as I did.

So after delaying and procrastinating for almost a month after my result - typical me - (oh, I passed. Alhamdulillah), I finally decided it's time to sit put and figure out what I want to achieve this year.
I didn't fulfil the resolutions I set up in 2014 because - well, let's be honest, I was lazy.

This year. Well this year is going to be different.

I can feel it in my veins, surging through the narrow networks, that I am going to complete at least 50% of my resolutions.

Difficulty level: Extreme edge with melted cheese (Domino's reference alert).

After passing 2 decades as a human being, I've finally figured out why it's difficult for me to get things done.

1. I AM A PERFECTIONIST (not in a good way).

I may not look like one, but when I start working on my projects - I SCRUTINIZE EVERY SINGLE DETAIL. I twitch and cringe at the sight of uneven EVERYTHING.

2. I wait for the right moment to come for me to elicit any pending activities; which I've learnt now, that the perfect moment is not presented, but seized.

Hence, this year, instead of waiting for the so-called right time for me to do something, I will just do it (Nike reference alert).

So... without further ado, let's list down the goals for 2015:

1. Lose weight - no explanation needed. It's required.
2. Get fit - I'm beginning to lose stamina and it's awful. Walking a certain distance used to be a breeze, but now, it feels like torture.
3. Eat healthy - Come on, I can't consume KFC all day everyday... can I? Hell no.
4. Learn to cook - I've started cooking for myself lately and I love it!
5. Buy things under a strict budget - in other words, be more thrifty and stop wasting money on unnecessary things. Although I consider myself to be a small spender, I do feel like I should start monitoring my expenses. For keepsake.
6. Read read read - I've been lacking on my reading materials lately. So I've decided to read Reader's Digest every month (since I'm a subscriber), finish a fictional book every month, read the Holy Quran everyday (at least 1 page a day).
7. Get up-to-date with global issues - the world is becoming a totally bizarre new planet to me every single day. It's amazing how people's morals are deteriorating due to their own selfish needs. SMH.
8. Write/draw - preferably every single day. These creative outlets are my favourite, however, time constraint and artist block get to me all the time.
9. Brush up on my photography skills - been loving photography as of late. The joy of taking pictures is growing on me again, which is a plus!
10. Start scrapbooking/journalling - 2015 so far has been amazing. A lot of things had happened for the past 2 months. I went to Beijing, China with my close and extended families which is a first, I went to Penang with my housemates and had the most amazing trip. And I'm currently planning for more travels in the future. I have tonnes of photos and great memories from these travels, so to conserve them all, I'd like to start immortalizing them down through scrapbooking or journalling (online). We'll see how it goes :) *super excited for this project
11. Get active on blogspot again - I remember trying to keep up with this blog by updating every week last year. But that didn't work out. This year's schedule is still under construction, but I'm adamant to keep this blog alive again. InshaAllah!
12. Keep in touch with the people you care a lot more often - I'm terrible at this. I'm sorry guys. You know I love you!!
13. and of course, become a BETTER muslimah. 

I guess that's all. Whew. It's been awhile since I write anything lengthy. See you guys again in the next post. Hopefully soon!

p.s. for those who have yet to get their resolutions done, I suggest you do so now.

HAPPY 2015 EVERYBODY! May this year be better than the years you've left behind!

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