Yeah well,

This is how I roll.

Yours Truly,

this is me. raw at my best. in shaa Allah.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


"because it's something i have to do."

is it? 


you sure?

"what do you care?"

because when you go down, i'll have to go down with you.

"no one will know about... they told me i'll be safe."

you sure?

"they told me i'll be safe... they swore."

people lie.

"they dont."

you're too naive.

"if you're so against it, why didnt you stop me?"

you shut me out.

"i didnt."

you did. but you bring me back now, because you're confused.


so, where do we stand?

"in a deep shit hole..."

well, at least we're standing.

"ha ha bloody ha."

what are we going to do with it?

"this is why i brought you back. thought you'd maybe have some ideas."

we could burn it.

"too obvious."

bury it?

"too much work."

pretend this never happened?

"i kinda... like that."


"yeah. we should leave."

she looks down on the lifeless body sprawled awkwardly on the floor. blood flooding it. she closes her eyes and breathes deeply. the stench of death and a little regret fill the air. as she turns around to leave, something hit her hard on the head. she falls.

*coughs coughs* "god, this hurts."

she puts her hands on her head. she can feel blood oozing out of her head. several hits on her body leaves her paralyzed beside the dead body.

wow, karma was fast. 

"who's there?!" *coughs coughs* "oh god..."

more hard hits. shuffling footsteps. deep voices whispering. the sound of her bones breaking.

i told you we'll go down.

"no you didnt."

yeah well, but i did mention it.

"ha ha bloody ha."

then, everything goes pitch black.

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